How to Become a Psychologist in the UAE

In this blog you will get a comprehensive guide on how to become a psychologist in UAE and answers to some main questions you may have before considering a career in psychology in UAE.

Part 1: Education Pathway

What major should you follow to become a psychologist?

To become a psychologist, you should pursue a major in Psychology or a related field. Here’s a typical educational pathway:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology: This is the foundational degree that introduces you to the basics of human behavior, mental processes, and psychological theories.
  2. Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology: Specializing in clinical psychology during your master’s program is essential. This degree focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders.
  3. Optional Doctoral Degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.): While not always required, a doctoral degree can provide advanced training and open doors to higher-level positions and specializations.

What are the available universities in the UAE for psychology?

Several universities in the UAE offer psychology programs at various levels:

More universities provide a course for psychology, please do more research to get more in depth information.

What does psychologist training look like?

Psychologist training overview:

•   Educational Path: Start with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, followed by a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Some opt for a Doctoral degree for advanced roles.
•   Coursework: Includes psychopathology, psychological assessment, psychotherapy, research methods, and ethics.
•   Clinical Training: Involves supervised practicums or internships in clinical settings to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.
•   Research: Completing a research project or thesis is often required to develop research skills and contribute to the field of psychology.
•   Electives and Exams: Specialized electives and comprehensive exams to demonstrate proficiency in clinical psychology.1

What Does Work as a Psychologist Look Like?

Daily Responsibilities:

•   Assessment and Diagnosis: Conducting psychological assessments to diagnose mental health conditions.
•   Therapy Sessions: Providing individual, group, or family therapy sessions to address mental health issues.
•   Treatment Planning: Developing and implementing treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.
•   Research and Continuous Education: Engaging in research to stay updated on new treatments and advancements in psychology.
•   Administrative Tasks: Keeping detailed records of patient interactions and progress.

As a Leader in Psychology, What Opportunities Can I Pursue?

Career Opportunities:

   Running a Clinic: Establish and manage a private practice or clinic.
•   Research: Engage in academic or clinical research to advance the field of psychology.
•   New Treatment Methods: Innovate and develop new therapeutic techniques and interventions.
•   Teaching: Educate future psychologists by teaching at universities or training institutes.
•   Consulting: Provide expert advice to organizations on mental health policies and employee well-being programs.

Part 2: After Graduation

What Are the Licensing Requirements After Graduation?

After completing your educational requirements, the next step is obtaining the necessary licenses to practice in the UAE.

How Do You Get Licensed with the Dubai Health Authority (DHA)?

Steps to DHA Licensure:

  1. Register on the DHA Website: Use the Sheryan portal to create an account and begin your application.
  2. Self-Assessment Tool: Complete the self-assessment to check your eligibility.
  3. Primary Source Verification (PSV): Submit your documents for verification through the DataFlow group.
  4. Computer-Based Testing (CBT): Take the licensing exam, unless exempt.
  5. Secure a Work Contract: Obtain an eligibility letter and secure employment from a DHA-approved facility.

You must hold a relevant degree, such as a Master’s in Clinical Psychology, and have 2 years of post-graduation work experience​ (Success Point College)​​ (TuCareers)​.

How can i get Licensed with the Community Development Authority (CDA) in Dubai?

Steps to CDA Licensure:

  1. Degree Attestation: Verify your educational degree through the UAE’s attestation process.
  2. Application Submission: Apply directly through the CDA’s online portal.
  3. Work Experience: Provide proof of relevant work experience as a therapist or psychologist.

Licensure with the CDA can be a step towards obtaining a DHA license if you are initially ineligible​ (Success Point College)​​ (TuCareers)​.

How Do You Get Licensed with the Department of Health (DoH) in Abu Dhabi?

Steps to DoH Licensure:

  1. Register on the DoH Website: Create an account and complete the online application.
  2. Document Submission: Submit attested degrees, proof of work experience, and other required documents.
  3. Licensing Exam: Pass the DoH licensing exam, unless exempt based on prior qualifications.
  4. Primary Source Verification (PSV): Documents will be verified for authenticity.

The DoH has specific requirements for educational standards, experience, and continuous professional development​(TuCareers)​.

How can i get licensed with the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) for other Emirates?

Steps to MOHAP Licensure:

  1. Eligibility Check: View the Unified Healthcare professional qualification requirements to ensure eligibility.
  2. Application: Login to the MOHAP website using UAE PASS to apply for the service.
  3. Document Submission: Upload the required documents, including previous DataFlow reports.
  4. Evaluation: The application will be reviewed, and you may need to pass an exam or submit additional document.

MOHAP oversees licensing in emirates like Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, and Fujairah​ ( Ministry of Health and Prevention – UAE)​​ (TuCareers)​.

What If am outside the UAE?

If you are outside the UAE, you need to meet specific requirements:

  • Educational Requirements: Hold a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology.
  • Clinical Experience: Have a minimum of 2 years of clinical experience in your home country.
  • Licensing Requirements: Complete the primary source verification, pass the licensing exams, and submit attested documents.

How can i get a Job with iCareWellbeing if i have UAE valid license

If you have a valid psychology license from the UAE and are interested in joining iCareWellbeing, the process is straightforward:

  1. Check Job Openings: Visit the iCareWellbeing careers page on their website to view available positions for licensed psychologists.
  2. Prepare Your Application: Ensure your resume is updated with your current qualifications, work experience, and licensing details. Highlight any special skills or areas of expertise that align with the services iCareWellbeing offers, such as online therapy, metaverse therapy, or at-home therapy services.
  3. Submit Your Application: Apply directly through the iCareWellbeing website or job portals they are listed on. Include a cover leter explaining your interest in working with iCareWellbeing and how your experience makes you a good fit for their team.
  4. Interview Process: If your application is shortlisted, you will be invited for an interview. This may include a series of interviews with HR, senior psychologists, and other relevant team members to assess your fit within the company and your approach to therapy.
  5. Background Check and Verifications: iCareWellbeing will likely conduct a background check and verify your credentials through the DHA, CDA, or DoH, depending on your licensing authority.
  6. Onboarding and Training: Once hired, you will undergo an onboarding process that includes familiarizing yourself with iCareWellbeing’s policies, procedures, and the technological tools they use for providing therapy, such as AI tools and virtual reality platforms.

By following these steps, you can leverage your UAE valid license to join iCareWellbeing and contribute to their mission of providing accessible and innovative mental health services across the UAE.

For Psychologists Outside the UAE

What are the available clinics and cities I can work in?

•   Psychologists can work in major cities like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and other emirates, in clinics, hospitals, schools, and private practices.

What should I expect in terms of patients?

•   Expect a diverse patient demographic due to the UAE’s multicultural population, including expats and locals, with various mental health needs.

What are the regulations for practicing?

•   You need a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, at least 2 years of clinical experience in your home country, and must pass the licensing exams set by DHA, CDA, DoH, or MOHAP.

How often do I need to renew my license?

•   Licenses typically need to be renewed every 1-3 years, depending on the specific health authority’s regulations.

What are the license fees?

•   Fees can vary; initial application and processing can range from AED 1,000 to AED 3,000.

How much can I make as a psychologist in the UAE?

•   Clinical Setting: Psychologists make AED 7,000 to AED 15,000 per month with moderate experience. With higher experience, they can earn AED 15,000 to AED 30,000 per month. Senior positions can offer AED 30,000 to AED 60,000 per month.
•   Approximate in USD: This translates to about $1,900 to $4,100 for moderate experience, $4,100 to $8,200 for higher experience, and $8,200 to $16,300 for senior positions per month.

Clinical Setting vs. Online Work:

•   Clinical settings offer higher salaries and benefits, but working online provides flexibility and the opportunity for part-time work.

How can I get to understand better UAE patients?

•   iCareWellbeing provides extensive training on UAE cultural aspects, helping you understand the unique needs and common issues faced by UAE residents.

How can I get diverse cultural training?

•   iCareWellbeing offers specialized programs and resources that enhance your cultural competence, ensuring you are well-equipped to handle the diverse population in the UAE.

iCareWellbeing’s comprehensive approach helps you become a better psychologist by broadening your cultural understanding and improving your ability to address diverse mental health needs.

Is it worth it to work as a psychologist in the UAE?

•   Yes, working as a psychologist in the UAE is rewarding due to competitive salaries, tax-free income, and the opportunity to work in a diverse, multicultural environment. The UAE offers excellent professional growth opportunities and a high standard of living.

Comparing with GCC and Singapore

How does working in the UAE compare with the GCC?

•   In GCC countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman, psychologists benefit from tax-free income and competitive salaries. However, the UAE typically offers a more cosmopolitan lifestyle and greater cultural diversity. For example, in Saudi Arabia, salaries for psychologists range from SAR 20,000 to SAR 40,000 per month (approximately AED 19,500 to AED 39,000). In Qatar, psychologists can earn between QAR 18,000 and QAR 35,000 per month (approximately AED 18,300 to AED 35,600)  .

How does working in the UAE compare with Singapore?

•   In Singapore, psychologists may earn between SGD 6,000 to SGD 12,000 per month (approximately AED 16,200 to AED 32,400). Although salaries are comparable, income in Singapore is subject to taxation. Singapore offers a high standard of living, world-class infrastructure, and a robust healthcare system, but the cost of living is higher than in the UAE. The UAE offers a blend of modern amenities and tax-free income, making it an attractive destination for many psychologists .

Comparing Working as a Psychologist in the UAE, USA, UK, and Australia

Is it worth it to work as a psychologist in the UAE?

•   Yes, working as a psychologist in the UAE is rewarding due to competitive salaries, tax-free income, and a multicultural work environment.

How does working in the UAE Compare with the USA?

•   Salaries: Psychologists in the USA earn an average salary of around $106,616 per year, with clinical psychologists earning up to $211,347 annually  . In the UAE, salaries range from AED 7,000 to AED 60,000 per month (approximately $1,900 to $16,300) depending on experience and setting .
•   Work Environment: The USA offers a highly developed healthcare system and extensive opportunities in research, academia, and private practice. However, the cost of living and taxes can be higher compared to the UAE.

How does working in the UAE compare with the UK?

•   Salaries: In the UK, psychologists earn an average salary of around £37,000 to £70,000 per year (approximately AED 170,000 to AED 330,000 annually) . In the UAE, the earnings can be higher due to the tax-free income.
•   Work Environment: The UK has a well-established public healthcare system (NHS), but recent cuts and pay freezes have impacted the profession. The UAE offers a more lucrative and tax-free income but may have less job security compared to the NHS.

How Does Working in the UAE Compare with Australia?

•   Salaries: In Australia, psychologists earn an average salary of AU$79,619 per year (approximately AED 190,000) . The UAE offers competitive salaries with the added benefit of being tax-free.
•   Work Environment: Australia provides a good balance of public and private practice opportunities, with government support for mental health services. The UAE offers similar opportunities with a focus on high-quality private healthcare and a cosmopolitan lifestyle.

Can psychologists from Western Europe and South America Work in the UAE?

Can I work in the UAE as a psychologist if I am from Western Europe?

•   Yes, psychologists from Western Europe can work in the UAE. You will need to meet the educational and licensing requirements set by the relevant UAE health authorities (DHA, CDA, DoH, or MOHAP). This typically includes having a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, passing licensing exams, and verifying your credentials through the DataFlow group.

Can I work in the UAE as a psychologist if I am from Argentina or Uruguay?

•   Yes, psychologists from Argentina and Uruguay can also work in the UAE. The process involves meeting the same educational and licensing requirements as those from other countries. You will need to ensure your degrees are attested, gain clinical experience, and pass the necessary licensing exams.

Steps to Work as a Psychologist in the UAE

1.  Educational Requirements:
•   Hold a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology or a related field.
•   Ensure your degree is attested by the UAE embassy or consulate in your home country.
2.  Clinical Experience:
•   Have a minimum of 2 years of clinical experience in your home country.
3.  Licensing Process:
•   Register: Create an account on the relevant health authority’s portal (DHA, CDA, DoH, MOHAP).
•   Document Verification: Submit your documents for Primary Source Verification (PSV) through the DataFlow group.
•   Licensing Exam: Pass the licensing exam unless exempt.
•   Application and Fees: Complete the application and pay the associated fees (ranging from AED 1,000 to AED 3,000).
4.  Secure Employment:
•   Obtain an eligibility letter and secure employment from a DHA, CDA, DoH, or MOHAP-approved facility.

Salary Expectations

•   Clinical Settings: Psychologists can earn between AED 7,000 to AED 60,000 per month, depending on experience and specialization. This translates to approximately $1,900 to $16,300 USD per month.
•   Online or Part-Time Work: Salaries might be lower, but offer more flexibility.


While we strive to provide updated informations regarding mental health in the UAE, the content in this blog should not be used as your sole research tool. We recommend seeking additional resources to obtain more comprehensive and in depth information.

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